
New Service Rates

I have felt that the time had arrived for me to change my rates on the services I offer. Please know that I kept affordability my top priority when changing these rates.
It is very important to me that photography and makeup services should be available to anyone and everyone, no matter what the budget. This was my goal when starting my business and it's a goal that I plan to keep.

All rates can be found under both the session info tab and the makeup info tab.

All appointments that were made prior to September 1st will be honored at the previous rates.

Thanks for all of your continued support!



Fall Mini-Sessions!

Fall mini-sessions ad

Space is limited so be sure to reserve your time today!


New! Themed Photo Shoots!

I am now offering THEMED PHOTO SHOOTS!  Themes include: tea party, picnic, dress-up & rustic/country.

I provide all the accessories, you provide the models!

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Please contact me for more information to book your own shoot!


New! Themed Photo Shoots!

I am now offering THEMED PHOTO SHOOTS!  Themes include: tea party, picnic, dress-up & rustic/country.

I provide all the accessories, you provide the models!



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                  Please contact me for more information to book your own shoot!


My niece, Bailey.




Carloine Carloine

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About Me

My photo
Sassy since '83 with a major love of cheese and sour cream. Fantastic photogrpaher & makeup artist and don't you forget it!

Grab my button!

H. Alexandra Photography



Blog designed by Jamie.